RÉSULTATS    10km du 14ème - Édition du 19/01/2025

2630 participants - 995 Femmes - 1635 Hommes
233 licenciés (9%) - 2397 non-licenciés (91%)

Temps moyen : 00:54:15

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Pos. Tps Réel Nom - Prenom Club Dossard Catégorie km/h Tps Officiel
101 00:36:24 COURT Jeremy I-RUN 88 SEM (78 / 749) 16.4 00:36:29
102 00:36:24 JAILLET Maxime 718 SEM (77 / 749) 16.4 00:36:46
103 00:36:29 DELAGARDE Paul TRIATHLON CLUB CHEMIN DES DAME.. 162 SEM (79 / 749) 16.4 00:36:34
104 00:36:31 BRASSEUR Julien USM MONTARGIS 4 SEM (81 / 749) 16.4 00:36:35
105 00:36:31 GIAMBRONE Maxence 108 SEM (80 / 749) 16.4 00:36:36
106 00:36:35 BREUX Martin 86 ESM (2 / 43) 16.4 00:36:45
107 00:36:38 GERBERON Alexis 1290 M0M (16 / 200) 16.3 00:36:40
108 00:36:40 GUIOT Jerome US NATIXIS 202 M3M (2 / 117) 16.3 00:36:44
109 00:36:40 BELLA Houssam 299 SEM (82 / 749) 16.3 00:36:58
110 00:36:42 CHAUSSIN Pierre PARIS SPORT CLUB 277 M0M (17 / 200) 16.3 00:36:49
111 00:36:42 CASTRILLO RODRIGUEZ Jaime PARIS UNIVERSITE CLUB 1090 SEM (83 / 749) 16.3 00:36:52
112 00:36:43 QUILLET Benjamin USM MALAKOFF 24 SEM (84 / 749) 16.3 00:36:45
113 00:36:43 MARTIN Aurelien ASPTT TOULON LA VALETTE 284 M0M (18 / 200) 16.3 00:36:51
114 00:36:43 VILLEMIN Pierre JAM 3020 SEM (85 / 749) 16.3 00:36:54
115 00:36:44 COELHO INES Jean-louis UNION SPORTIVE ALFORTVILLE ATH.. 233 M1M (7 / 162) 16.3 00:36:56
116 00:36:48 MICHEL Olivier PUC RUNNING 122 M2M (2 / 146) 16.3 00:36:54
117 00:36:51 ROBERT Damien RACING MULTI ATHLON 843 ESM (3 / 43) 16.2 00:36:53
118 00:36:51 VILLALONGA Corentin 36 SEM (86 / 749) 16.2 00:36:55
119 00:36:51 FARAMOND Emile 226 SEM (87 / 749) 16.2 00:37:02
120 00:36:52 ANDROLUS Arnaud RUN TO BE ALIVE 39 M1M (8 / 162) 16.2 00:37:08
121 00:36:52 REYNES Baptiste 863 SEM (88 / 749) 16.2 00:38:12
122 00:36:53 LAVOLLEE Evan 155 SEM (89 / 749) 16.2 00:37:00
123 00:36:54 ERARD Lionel 264 M0M (19 / 200) 16.2 00:37:01
124 00:36:55 DESEURE Gregory FSPN 271 M2M (3 / 146) 16.2 00:37:04
125 00:36:55 HAMMEL Clement 245 SEM (90 / 749) 16.2 00:37:15
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